Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Human Mind

In Hindu Mythology.. it is well said that the early morning dreams generally come true. Guess WHY??
Is this without a basis?
The definite answer is "NO"
There is a science behind it. Human Body has two minds namely external and internal. External mind is based on which we act and react in normal life e.g. when we study a particular subject, the process of understanding, learning and application is done by our external mind. Internal mind is generally understood as what we say "Subconscious Mind". This functions even when we are sleeping. This you can appreciate by the simple fact that while you are sleeping if a mosquito is disturbing, you just try to push it away for the reason that your internal mind is awakened and instructs you to do so.
It is an established fact that when external mind sleeps, internal mind is then awakened and whatever is there in our external mind that is transmitted to internal mind. In other words, what we are thinking at the time of sleep, that thought remains in process but now it is in our internal mind. Internal mind keeps on processing with the passage of time and this gets fully activated after few hours i.e. in early morning. Since internal mind travels faster than time, we could see the future happening on the same thought by means of early morning dream. This is a science behind what we say that early morning dreams generally come true. Truely speaking it is this science which is practiced and mastered by saints ( which they term as "awakening" ) wherein they successfully instruct their internal mind to travel faster than time and then they predict/ tell future of their subjects/ clients/ disciples/ followers.
Now the million dollar question: How it is linked with us?
This science we can fruitfully apply while chalking out our study program for the day. It is recommended that we should study theory subjects like auditing and law in the night, preferably few hours before sleeping time so that the text studied is being transmitted to the internal mind. It will help you in retaining it for a longer period of time. You can put it in this way that you have given the command "SAVE" to your mechanism. Thereafter it will act as a relay when you will wake up it will be transferred back to your external mind with the cementing effect.
There is another theory substantiating this philosophy. Our efficiency has an inverse relationship with the movement of the sun. When the sun is at peak, in the noon, our efficiency level is at the bottom. After sunset the graph of our efficiency starts rising and it is at the peak at around midnight. Since more efforts and pain are involved while studying , grasping and retaining the theory subjects, they should be studied at the time when our efficiency is at the peak. Practical subjects like accounts, FM stc. are more of repetitive nature and thus at times ater grasping the concept become more mechanical in nature. Therefore, should be studied during the other part of time schedule.
Try this for 7-10 days, Hope you will see improvement, if not wonders, in your efficiency.

Waiting for your comments and queries..


  1. i m going to try this from today.
    my accounts paper was ok,now preparing for costing

  2. Sir will this technique work if we do theory early in the morning when we are feeling fresh & take a noon nap(which is what i have been doing almost every day for the past many many years) & then study practical subjects in the evening ??
    & as for the accounts paper sir a little unexpected (didnt expect banking balance sheet to be there) otherwise not so bad but not great either anyways preparig for costing & sir thank you for the accounts technique it was really helpful looking forward to the costing technique

    ok sir bye for now.... goodnight

  3. yes keshav, the basic purpose will be served with your technique. best of luck
